Jinhui Han
Postdoctoral Fellow, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Email: jinhuizjcu at gmail.com
Welcome! My name is Jinhui Han. I am now a Postdoctoral Fellow advised by Prof. Ming Hu at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Previously, I received my Ph.D. degree in Statistics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2021, and the bachelor's degree in Statistics from Zhejiang University in 2017. I am very fortunate to have collaborated with Prof. Ming Hu and Prof. Suresh P. Sethi.
Research Interests
My primary research interests lie in using data-driven and stochastic models to address OM/OR challenges, such as inventory and revenue management problems. I also have a strong interest towards interdisciplinary aspects of OM, encompassing statistical learning, financial engineering, and applied probability.
I am currently working on (i) developing stochastic control and statistical models to investigate new inventory/revenue management strategies; (ii) utilising financial tools and resources to improve the firm's operational risk management; (iii) leveraging empirical research and theoretical methods to design new marketing strategies.
My research employs techniques from statistical learning, stochastic control, applied probability, and game theory.